April Income Report

april income

Hey there! To say I’ve “taken a break” from blogging is an understatement. I started the blog, worked on it for a few months and then went through a lot of life changes: a move, new job, new relationship and it kept slipping down my list of priorities until I forgot about it completely.. Flash forward 4 years, another job, another move, another new relationship, a baby, online classes and I’ve found myself back here again.

When Jay was born, almost exactly one year ago (cue tears) I began my journey on Instagram. I was breastfeeding so I had a lot of down time, sitting around and holding a sleepy baby. I became more active on Instagram and started to see my following grow and began getting brand deals. By February 2020 I got my first paid campaign and joined RewardStyle and began to make a bit of an income.

I started taking Instagram seriously and have continued to see an increase in my followers and my online income. It put blogging back on my radar but I wasn’t really sure I had the time to manage it all. And suddenly, like a sign from above, I received an email from someone requesting to use some of my old blog content. I hadn’t signed into my blog in years and wasn’t sure I remembered the log in info, but I decided to take a look. I was shocked when I signed in that after all this time, my blog had been getting a significant number of views. I was kicking myself for giving up on it, but I decided then to make it a priority.

I’ve always been fascinated by the world of blogging and making an income online and super intrigued by blogs that do income reports. I thought long and hard about whether I wanted to share that information, but at the end of the day, it’s something that I’ve always found to be so insightful and inspiring and that’s what I want this blog to be about. I want to share pretty things and things that I love and that I’m passionate about and help others do the same!

In April I made exactly $600

Rewardstyle- $425

Brand Deals- $175

At this point I’m not investing much of my income back into the business.. I’m giving it all a little time to analyze the patterns and consistency so I don’t really have any expenses to report.

I’m so excited to share more about my personal experience with online income and I’d love to know what kind of content you guys would like to see on the topic, whether it’s tips on growing your following or where to find brand deals.. let me know in the comments 🙂

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